Talk Presentations
• Tsvetanov KA. “Separating vascular and neural effects of ageing”. Cambridge Neurodevelopmental Cohort Showcase, MRC-CBU, Cambridge, 27 March 2019 [Scheduled Invited Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. ”fMRI across the lifespan: is it good enough to be BOLD?”. School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, 6 December 2018 [Departmental talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. “fMRI across the lifespan: is it good enough to be BOLD?”. CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, 26 November 2018 [Departmental talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. “Understanding age differences in resting BOLD signal variability with vascular factors”, Fourth Cambridge Brain MRI Meeting, Cambridge, 21 November 2018 [Scheduled Invited Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. “Dissociating neural from vascular effects of ageing on BOLD activity and connectivity”, Society for Psychophysiological Research Annual Meeting, Quebec, Canada, 3-7 October 2018 [Conference Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. “Interpreting BOLD across the lifespan: challenges and perspectives”, Interpreting BOLD Meeting, Christ Church, Oxford, UK, 9-11 September 2018 [Conference Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. “fMRI across the lifespan: challenges and perspectives”. MRC-CBU Wednesday Lunch Seminars, Cambridge, UK, 24 January 2018 [Scheduled Invited Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. “The Resilient Ageing Brain”. Horn Fellows, Centre for Science and Policy, Cambridge, UK, 28 November 2017 [Scheduled Invited Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. ”fMRI across the lifespan: is it good enough to be BOLD?”. School of Psychology, University of Warwick, UK, 7 Dec 2017 [Departmental talk]
• Tsvetanov KA., Rowe JB. “Resting state brain dynamics identify behavioural variant fronto-temporal dementia”, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 11-15 Nov 2017 [Conference Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA., Ye Z., Hughes L., Samu D., Treder M., Henson RNA, Tyler LK, Cam-CAN, Rowe JB. “Lifespan effects of brain-wide activity and connectivity of inhibition control”, 4th International Conferences on Ageing and Cognition, Zurich, Switzerland, 20-22 Apr 2017 [Conference Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. “Multi-scale integrative network dynamics (MIND) of the ageing brain”, BNA Festival of Neuroscience, Birmingham, UK, 10-13 Apr 2017 [Conference Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. ”fMRI across the lifespan: is it good enough to be BOLD?”, BUIC seminars, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK [Invited Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. “Your ageing brain: Use it or lose it!”, Kent U3A Science Group, Sevenoaks, UK, 9th June 2016 [Invited Public Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA, Henson RNA, Tyler LK, Razi A, Geerligs L, Ham T, Cam-CAN, Rowe JB. "Increased extrinsic and intrinsic connectivity maintains cognition across the lifespan coupled with age-related decay in regional neuronal activity". Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, 17-21 Oct 2015 [Conference Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. "The effect of extrinsic and intrinsic brain network connectivity on cognition across the lifespan", Cambridge Connectome Consortium, Cambridge, UK, 24 November 2015 [Invited Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. "fMRI studies of ageing: correction for the confounding effects of vascular reactivity evaluated by joint fMRI and MEG", International Conference on Aging and Cognition, Dortmund, Germany, 23-25 April 2015 [Conference Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. "Using MEG to disentangle neural and vascular contributions to BOLD resting state variability", CSLB, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, UK, 28 November 2014 [Departmental talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. "Large-scale network interactivity in ageing using resting state DCM", CSLB, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, UK, 28 November 2014 [Departmental talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. "Using MEG to disentangle neural and vascular contributions to BOLD resting state variability", MEG UK Annual Meeting, Nottingham, UK, 810 January 2014 [Conference Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA. "The impact of vascular changes on fMRI studies of healthy ageing: a combined fMRI and MEG study of 335 healthy adults", MRC CBSU IIG, Cambridge, UK, 6 January 2014 [Departmental talk]
• Tsvetanov KA, Humphreys GW, Arvanitis T, Rotshtein P. "Combined fMRI, DTI and MR spectroscopy to study neurocognitive decline in aging". School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK, 22 June 2012 [Scheduled Invited Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA, Rowe JB. "Can variability in brain activity at rest be informative in cognitive neuroscience of ageing?", Cam-CAN Workshop, Clare College, University of Cambridge, UK, 25 April 2013 [Scheduled Invited Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA, Mevorach C, Allen H, Humphreys GW, "The Effects of Aging on Selection by Visual Saliency". Experimental Psychology Society, London, UK, 56 January 2012 [Conference Talk]
• Tsvetanov KA, “An MRI protocol to investigate cognitive neuroscience of aging”, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK, 12 May 2011 [Departmental Talk]
Poster Presentations
• Tsvetanov KA, Cam-Can, Treder M. “Canonical Spectral Analysis for multivariate data fusion to inform group and individual differences in cognition: formulation, extensions and analysis”. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Singapore, 17-21 June 2018
• Tsvetanov KA, Gazzina S., Rowe JB. “Brain-behaviour relationships in presymptomatic genetic frontotemporal dementia adults”. Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference, London, UK, 20-21 March 2018
• Tsvetanov KA, Cam-Can, Treder M. “Canonical Spectral Analysis for multivariate data fusion to inform group and individual differences in cognition”. Cambridge Neurosciences Seminars, Cambridge, UK, 12 March 2018
• Tsvetanov KA, Zheng Y, Hughes L, Samu D, Treder M, Henson RNA, Tyler LK, Cam-CAN, Rowe JB. “Lifespan effects of brain-wide activity and connectivity of cognitive control”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland, 26-30 June 2016
• Tsvetanov KA, Henson RNA, Tyler LK, Razi A, Geerligs L, Ham T, Cam-CAN, Rowe JB. "Extrinsic and intrinsic brain network connectivity maintains cognition across the lifespan despite accelerated decay of regional brain activation ". Dementia Platform UK Conference, London, UK, 26 April 2016
• Tsvetanov KA, Henson RNA, Tyler LK, Razi A, Geerligs L, Ham T, Cam-CAN, Rowe JB."Cognitive resilience in old age is determined by regional activity and effective connectivity of brain resting-state networks". Cambridge Neuroscience Symposium, Cambridge, UK, 09-10 September 2015
• Tsvetanov KA, Davis S, Taylor J, Williams N, Henson R, Tyler LK, Cam-CAN, Rowe J. "Age-related change in resting state BOLD variability: vascular or neuronal?". Society for Neuroscience Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, USA, 9-13 November 2013
• Tsvetanov KA, Davis S, Taylor J, Williams N, Henson R, Tyler LK, Cam-CAN, Rowe J. "The effect of age on functional brain imaging: Distinguishing the vascular contribution to BOLD signal change using resting state fluctuation amplitude". British Society for Research on Ageing Annual Meeting, Norwich, UK, 3-5 September 2013
• Tsvetanov KA, Tyler LK, Cam-CAN, Rowe J. "Correcting age-dependent BOLD signal change for vascular contributions using resting state fluctuation of amplitude in large-scale datasets". Cambridge Neuroscience Seminar, Cambridge, UK, 26 March 2013
• Tsvetanov KA, Rotshtein P, Arvanitis T, Humphreys GW, "Dissociating load and memory in the fronto-parietal network: an aging study”, Organisation for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, 10-14 June 2012
• Tsvetanov KA, Rotshtein P, Arvanitis T, Humphreys GW, "Effects of stimulus identity and load in working memory on visual search: Eliminating the effect of load but not identity by lengthening encoding time". Vision Sciences Society, Naples, USA 11-16 May 2012